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Kissable Lips, Courtesy of Lip Blush

We want you to love the results of your permanent makeup, so it's essential to follow these instructions carefully. Failure to do so could result in discoloration, pigment loss, scarring, or infections in your treated area. It is not advisable to experiment with new products around your treated area at this time as we wish to avoid any complications or allergic reactions.


After Care

Post-Lip Blushing Care: What to Expect and How to Take Care of Your Lips


Day 1 Until Heal:

Following the procedure, your body will begin producing lymphatic fluid, which is a yellowish-clear liquid that helps the skin heal and form scabs. To remove this fluid, use the sterile water wipes provided to you 1-2 hours after the procedure.


Let your lips settle and dry for a while, then apply a thin layer of a&d ointment, Aquaphor, or coconut oil periodically. Avoid using any other lip balm as it may contain ingredients that could remove the pigment from your new tattooed skin. Your lips may feel tender on the first day, so avoid eating food that is too hot or cold, too spicy, or citrusy.


Swelling: It's perfectly normal for your lips to be swollen immediately after the procedure. However, each person's body chemistry is different, so some may experience more swelling than others. Don't worry, though; it's all part of the healing process and will subside over time.


Healing Process

Healing Progress of Lip Tattoos:

Day 1:

of the lip tattoo healing process is marked by swelling, tenderness, and intense color. Swelling and some tenderness. You may apply ice to the treated area to minimize 



Applying ice to the treated area after a tattoo session can help minimize swelling, which may range from minor to potentially double in size with possible bruising. It is also normal for lymph to ooze in the first few hours.



After the numbing used during the procedure stops working, you may feel some discomfort or mild pain.

Image by Önder Örtel

Special Attention

Here are some important reminders to ensure that your skin recovers quickly and safely after a procedure:

• Don't pick at scabs or dry skin, as it can lead to scarring or loss of color
• Avoid facials, botox, chemical treatments or microdermabrasion for at least four weeks
• Refrain from doing any hot, sweaty exercises for a week
• Stay out of direct sunlight or tanning beds for four weeks, and wear a hat when outside
• Don't take long, hot showers or engage in activities that lead to heavy sweating for the first ten days
• Stay away from swimming, lakes, and hot tubs for the first ten days
• Don't apply any topical makeup, including sunscreen, to the treated area
• Lastly, be sure to avoid rubbing, picking, or scratching the treated area.

• Use a clean pillowcase to avoid irritation

• Try not to sleep on your face during the first ten days

Long Term Care of your Lips

Tips for Maintaining the Longevity of Your New Eyebrows


After your brows have fully healed, it's vital to protect them from the sun by applying sunscreen with an SPF ranging from 30 to 50. Sun exposure can cause the color pigment to fade more quickly.

While applying foundation, be mindful of your healed brows. If foundation covers the treated area, your brows will appear lighter. Use a cotton swab to remove makeup from your brows.

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